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Introduction | Titus | Why We Are Here
What We Believe | Check It Out | Rewards


A young couple with two small children is struggling through daily life. The couple argues constantly. The children suffer. In the midst of this a co-worker begins to witness to them about the last-day's message. The eyes of the two young people are opened.

The young couple gets baptised and begins to attend the local assembly. But they have so many questions. They may have been Christians before, but they want to experience the structure in their home life that so many others seem to have. How should they discipline? Should there be a family prayer time? Or perhaps they came fresh out of the world and have no idea where to begin.


Paul's book to Titus teaches that the elder brothers and sisters are to teach the younger. In eastern cultures, it is easy for this type of training to occur. The structure of western culture makes having a constant companion to be a mentor very difficult, however. Sometimes questions arise that need a quick answer. Sometimes, a Godly elder is not available or willing to take the time to help a younger church member.

Even when a person finds a mentor, this person has situations arise in their own personal life, such as an illness or death in the family, that causes the mentoring portion of his or her life to go to the back burner. 

In other cases, the new believer lives many miles away from the nearest believing church. There is no local pastor available to answer questions.

Why We Are Here

Often, parents find themselves resorting to secular resources to find information about practical issues. Keeping house, infant care, cooking and many other topics do not seem to have a spiritual aspect to them. But these topics can be brought into a special light when discussed with a Godly friend. We wish for our site to be a place for believing parents to connect. Those who need guidance can ask questions; those with the experience can submit any writings that they feel would be of benefit.

Oftentimes, God sends parenting advice through the voice of a minister. The culling of scriptures and quotes of the prophet brought over the pulpit and directed by a Godly man can answer many issues the parents in the congregation are dealing with. We desire to collect and transcribe any that are appropriate and have permission to do so. 

Anyone who desires to submit an article for our site on a parenting topic we have yet to cover should feel free to do so. We have a list of topics that we plan to cover; feel free to submit any original article under one of these topics or under any topic you feel would be profitable to the Bride. Click here to access the list.

What We Believe

In each age of history, God gave a different portion of His Word to his people. In Noah's day, only those who got on the ark with him were saved. In Moses' day, those who followed him out of Egypt were the ones. The book of Revelation gives a prefigure of the delineation of seven church ages, typed by the seven churches written to by John.

Each age had a messenger who brought the portion that God was giving for that age. In Luther's time, those who believed that "the just shall be saved by his faith" escaped Rome and found a hiding place in the Rock of Christ. In Wesley's day, sanctification was the route God gave to connect to Him.

In our day, a prophetic ministry, gifted of God to the man William Branham, vindicated the message of God that this man brought. Hundreds of thousands of people were healed under his prayers and many thousands had the very thoughts and intents of their hearts told to them by this man. We do not exalt William Branham as being any greater than any other man; however, his ministry was the signpost God has given for how to live and conduct a Christian life in our age.

We believe in our women wearing modest apparel and long hair as a sign of the work that has been done by God in the heart. Any practical advice that is given about standards is not meant to be a legalistic formula. They are simply guidelines for new believers who are ignorant of the simple mistakes that can make the sister to appear immodest.

Check It Out

Any advice that is given here is subject to your own God-given leadership. Check anything we say against the Bible and the words of the prophet. If you are a sister, address any concerns to your husband. Husbands and wives should discuss any greater concerns to an elder, deacon, or their pastor.


The rewards of raising a Godly child under the fear and admonition of the Lord are great. Anyone who would like to submit any writings to round out this section are welcome. As a young couple, we don't have the perspective of a parent of an saved adult son or daughter who has grown up and received the gift of the Holy Spirit and begun to raise a family of his or her own.



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